Mental Health Counseling Team
Certified professionals with years of experience providing telehealth mental health counseling for a broad spectrum of disorders and treatment modalities.
Our team, at Haven, are currently accepting clients in Kentucky. In the fall of 2024, the staff will begin seeing client in all states that have signed the Counseling Compact.
Professional Mental Health Counseling
Certified counselors providing telehealth services for a wide range of mental health disorders.
Experienced Mental Health Counselors
Our team has years of experience in treating various mental disorders with different modalities.
Comprehensive Mental Health Services
We offer a broad spectrum of mental health counseling services through telehealth with certified professionals.
Contact Us
to schedule an appointment or discuss employment opportunities.
Reach out to certified professionals for telehealth mental health counseling.
Haven Mental Health Counseling
Experienced counselors providing telehealth mental health services.
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